A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y 


lAdd(C) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractComplexArray
Computes the left elementwise addition.
lAdd(R) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Computes the left elementwise addition.
lAdd(IntegerArray) - Method in class org.shared.array.IntegerArray
Computes the left elementwise addition.
LaplacianOfGaussian - Class in org.shared.image.filter
An implementation of LoG filters.
LaplacianOfGaussian(int, double) - Constructor for class org.shared.image.filter.LaplacianOfGaussian
Default constructor.
lDiv(C) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractComplexArray
Computes the left elementwise division.
lDiv(R) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Computes the left elementwise division.
length(int[]) - Method in class org.shared.array.sparse.IntegerSparseArray
length(T[]) - Method in class org.shared.array.sparse.ObjectSparseArray
length(V) - Method in class org.shared.array.sparse.ProtoSparseArray
Gets the length of the given array.
length(double[]) - Method in class org.shared.array.sparse.RealSparseArray
lib - package lib
The location, by convention, of Jars and native libraries.
Library - Class in org.shared.metaclass
A class for interacting with dynamically linked native code.
libx - package libx
The location, by convention, of extension Jars and native libraries.
likelihood - Variable in class org.shared.stat.ml.GmComponents
The likelihood.
LimitedMemoryPolicy<V extends Traversable<V,E>,E extends Edge<V>> - Class in org.shared.parallel
An implementation of TraversalPolicy that attempts to conserve memory usage during parallel execution.
LimitedMemoryPolicy() - Constructor for class org.shared.parallel.LimitedMemoryPolicy
Default constructor.
LimitedMemoryPolicy.PolicyNode - Class in org.shared.parallel
An Engine.EngineNode proxy class that aids in the computation of traversal orderings.
LimitedMemoryPolicy.PolicyNode(Traversable<V, E>) - Constructor for class org.shared.parallel.LimitedMemoryPolicy.PolicyNode
Default constructor.
LinearAlgebraOps - Class in org.shared.array.kernel
A class for linear algebra operations in pure Java.
lines - Static variable in class org.shared.stat.plot.DataStyle
The default style for DataStyle.DataStyleType.LINES.
linesPoints - Static variable in class org.shared.stat.plot.DataStyle
lMax(R) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Computes the left elementwise maximum.
lMax(IntegerArray) - Method in class org.shared.array.IntegerArray
Computes the left elementwise maximum.
lMin(R) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Computes the left elementwise minimum.
lMin(IntegerArray) - Method in class org.shared.array.IntegerArray
Computes the left elementwise minimum.
lMul(C) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractComplexArray
Computes the left elementwise multiplication.
lMul(R) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Computes the left elementwise multiplication.
lMul(IntegerArray) - Method in class org.shared.array.IntegerArray
Computes the left elementwise multiplication.
load(String) - Static method in class org.shared.metaclass.Library
Loads a native library from the given filename.
loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in class org.shared.metaclass.RegistryClassLoader
Attempts to derive a class first from this class loader's parent, and then from its RegistryClassLoader.findClass(String) method.
Loader - Class in org.shared.metaclass
A facility providing a way for programs to take advantage of Jars and native libraries found on the class path.
Loader.EntryPoint - Annotation Type in org.shared.metaclass
A marker annotation for the entry point of a program after resource acquisition.
Loader.LoadableResources - Annotation Type in org.shared.metaclass
An annotation in support of resource loading.
loadLibrary(String) - Static method in class org.shared.metaclass.Library
Loads a native library from dynamic linker resolution of the given name.
loadLibrary(String) - Method in class org.shared.metaclass.RegistryClassLoader
Attempts to load a native library first from the class path, and then from the system's dynamic linker.
log - Static variable in class org.shared.net.filter.ssl.SslFilter
The global Logger instance.
log - Static variable in class org.shared.net.handler.SynchronousHandler
The static Logger instance.
log - Variable in class org.shared.net.nio.NioManagerThread
The Logger for debugging messages.
log - Static variable in class org.shared.test.Tests
The instance used for logging.
loggerClasses - Static variable in class org.shared.test.net.AllNetTests
The classes of Loggers used in this test.
Logging - Class in org.shared.log
A static utility class for setting up logging frameworks.
logical(int, int[], int[]) - Static method in class org.shared.array.ArrayBase
Computes the logical index from the given physical index and strides.
longestPath(Traversable<V, E>, Map<Traversable<V, E>, LimitedMemoryPolicy<V, E>.PolicyNode>) - Method in class org.shared.parallel.LimitedMemoryPolicy
Sorts a LimitedMemoryPolicy.PolicyNode's children in decreasing order of maximum distance from the source.
longRange(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.shared.util.Arithmetic
Creates a [m, n) range of longs with step increment k.
longRange(int, int) - Static method in class org.shared.util.Arithmetic
Creates a [m, n) range of longs.
longRange(int) - Static method in class org.shared.util.Arithmetic
Creates a [0, n) range of longs.
longsToBase64(long[], ByteOrder) - Static method in class org.shared.codec.Codecs
Converts the given long array into a base 64 string.
longsToBase64(long[]) - Static method in class org.shared.codec.Codecs
Converts the given long array into a base 64 string.
longValue() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractComplexArray.Complex
Gets the long value.
lookup(EnumStatus<X>, Z) - Method in class org.shared.event.StateTable
Looks up and handles an Event based on the current state and the event type.
lSub(C) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractComplexArray
Computes the left elementwise subtraction.
lSub(R) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Computes the left elementwise subtraction.
lSub(IntegerArray) - Method in class org.shared.array.IntegerArray
Computes the left elementwise subtraction.
lup(double[], int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.shared.array.kernel.LinearAlgebraOps
Computes the LU decomposition along with row pivots.
luSolve(double[], int, double[], int) - Static method in class org.shared.array.kernel.LinearAlgebraOps
Uses an existing LU decomposition to solve a system of linear equations.