A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y 


datasets - Variable in class org.shared.stat.plot.ErrorDistribution
The datasets.
datasets - Variable in class org.shared.stat.plot.Histogram
The datasets.
DataStyle - Class in org.shared.stat.plot
A container class for dataset rendering style information.
DataStyle(DataStyle.DataStyleType) - Constructor for class org.shared.stat.plot.DataStyle
Default constructor.
DataStyle.DataStyleType - Enum in org.shared.stat.plot
An enumeration of DataStyle types.
dataStyles - Variable in class org.shared.stat.plot.ErrorDistribution
The DataStyles.
dataStyles - Variable in class org.shared.stat.plot.Histogram
The DataStyles.
dataTitles - Variable in class org.shared.stat.plot.ErrorDistribution
The data titles.
dataTitles - Variable in class org.shared.stat.plot.Histogram
The data titles.
debug(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.shared.net.filter.ssl.SslFilter
Logs a debugging message.
debug(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.shared.net.handler.SynchronousHandler
Logs a debugging message.
debug(String, Object...) - Method in class org.shared.net.nio.NioManagerThread
Logs a debugging message.
debug(Throwable, String, Object...) - Method in class org.shared.net.nio.NioManagerThread
Logs a debugging exception message.
DEBUG - Static variable in class org.shared.test.net.AllNetTests
Whether the logging Level should be set low enough so as to enable debugging messages to appear.
debugHandshakeStatusInbound(SSLEngineResult) - Method in class org.shared.net.filter.ssl.SslFilter
Logs a debugging message based on the current SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus for the inbound direction.
debugHandshakeStatusOutbound(SSLEngineResult) - Method in class org.shared.net.filter.ssl.SslFilter
Logs a debugging message based on the current SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus for the outbound direction.
debugStatusInbound(SSLEngineResult) - Method in class org.shared.net.filter.ssl.SslFilter
Logs a debugging message based on the current SSLEngineResult.Status for the inbound direction.
debugStatusOutbound(SSLEngineResult) - Method in class org.shared.net.filter.ssl.SslFilter
Logs a debugging message based on the current SSLEngineResult.Status for the outbound direction.
DEFAULT_BACKLOG_SIZE - Static variable in class org.shared.net.Constants
The default backlog size for listening sockets.
DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class org.shared.net.Constants
The default read/write buffer size for sockets.
DEFAULT_ORDER - Static variable in class org.shared.array.ArrayBase
The default storage order shall be Array.IndexingOrder.FAR.
defaultInstanceRef - Static variable in class org.shared.net.nio.NioManager
A WeakReference to the global instance.
deferredHandler - Variable in class org.shared.net.nio.NioConnection
An internal handler for deferred writes.
deflate(byte[]) - Static method in class org.shared.codec.Compression
Compresses the given byte array.
delete(File) - Static method in class org.shared.util.IoBase
Deletes a file or directory.
Demo - Class in org.shared.test
Contains demonstrations of the SST's capabilities.
demoDir - Static variable in class org.shared.test.Demo
The demo directory.
derandomize() - Method in class org.shared.array.jni.NativeArrayKernel
derandomize() - Method in interface org.shared.array.kernel.ArrayKernel
Seeds the underlying source of randomness with a constant.
derandomize() - Method in class org.shared.array.kernel.JavaArrayKernel
derandomize() - Method in class org.shared.array.kernel.ModalArrayKernel
derandomize() - Static method in class org.shared.util.Arithmetic
Seeds the underlying source of randomness with 0.
deregisterKey() - Method in class org.shared.net.nio.NioConnection
NioManagerThread call -- Deregisters the underlying SelectionKey.
derivative(double, RealArray, int) - Static method in class org.shared.image.filter.DerivativeOfGaussian
Calculates a Gaussian derivative to the specified order.
DerivativeOfGaussian - Class in org.shared.image.filter
An implementation of DooG filters up to 0th and 1st derivatives.
DerivativeOfGaussian(int, double, double, int) - Constructor for class org.shared.image.filter.DerivativeOfGaussian
Default constructor.
destroy() - Method in class org.shared.test.net.AsynchronousHandlerTest
Destroys the sender and the receiver.
destroy() - Method in class org.shared.test.net.SynchronousHandlerTest
Destroys the sender and the receiver.
destroy() - Method in class org.shared.test.parallel.EngineTest
Makes the underlying Engine eligible for garbage collection.
destroy() - Method in class org.sharedx.fftw.Plan
Destroys the native peer.
diag(double[], double[], int, boolean) - Method in class org.shared.array.jni.NativeArrayKernel
diag(double[], double[], int, boolean) - Method in interface org.shared.array.kernel.ArrayKernel
Gets the diagonal of a Matrix.
diag(double[], double[], int, boolean) - Method in class org.shared.array.kernel.JavaArrayKernel
diag(double[], double[], int, boolean) - Static method in class org.shared.array.kernel.MatrixOps
A matrix diagonal operation in support of JavaArrayKernel.diag(double[], double[], int, boolean).
diag(double[], double[], int, boolean) - Method in class org.shared.array.kernel.ModalArrayKernel
DimensionOps - Class in org.shared.array.kernel
A class for dimension operations in pure Java.
DimensionOps.RealDimensionOperation - Interface in org.shared.array.kernel
Defines real dimension operations.
DimensionOps.RealIndexOperation - Interface in org.shared.array.kernel
Defines real index operations.
DimensionOps.RealReduceOperation - Interface in org.shared.array.kernel
Defines real reduce operations.
dimOffsets - Variable in class org.shared.array.sparse.ProtoSparseArray
The dimension offsets.
dims() - Method in interface org.shared.array.Array
Gets the dimensions.
dims - Variable in class org.shared.array.ProtoArray
The dimensions.
dims() - Method in class org.shared.array.ProtoArray
dims - Variable in class org.shared.array.sparse.ProtoSparseArray
The dimensions.
dims() - Method in class org.shared.array.sparse.ProtoSparseArray
dispatch(NioConnection) - Method in class org.shared.net.nio.NioManagerDispatchThread
Dispatches the given connection to an NioManagerIoThread.
distances(RealArray, RealArray) - Static method in class org.shared.stat.ml.KMeans
Computes point-to-point distances.
doAccept(SelectionKey) - Method in class org.shared.net.nio.NioManagerDispatchThread
Finishes the accept cycle on a ready ServerSocketChannel.
doBind() - Method in class org.shared.net.nio.NioConnection
NioManagerThread call -- Finishes connecting/accepting.
doCatch(Throwable) - Method in class org.shared.event.EventProcessor
Runs the exception handler, should anything go awry in the processing loop.
doClose() - Method in class org.shared.net.nio.NioConnection
NioManagerThread call -- Closes this connection.
doClosing(ConnectionHandler.ClosingType) - Method in class org.shared.net.nio.NioConnection
NioManagerThread call -- Initiates connection closure.
doConnect(NioConnection) - Method in class org.shared.net.nio.NioManagerDispatchThread
Finishes the connect cycle on a ready connection.
doError(Throwable) - Method in class org.shared.net.nio.NioConnection
NioManagerThread call -- Sets the exception that occurred.
doFinally() - Method in class org.shared.event.EventProcessor
Runs the finalizer, which executes on termination of the processing loop and possibly exception handler.
doOp(int, boolean) - Method in class org.shared.net.nio.NioConnection
NioManagerThread call -- Does an operation interest change.
doRead() - Method in class org.shared.net.nio.NioConnection
NioManagerThread call -- Does a ready read.
doReadyOps(int, SelectionKey) - Method in class org.shared.net.nio.NioManagerDispatchThread
doReadyOps(int, SelectionKey) - Method in class org.shared.net.nio.NioManagerIoThread
doReadyOps(int, SelectionKey) - Method in class org.shared.net.nio.NioManagerThread
Performs actions stipulated by a ready operations bit vector on the given SelectionKey.
doubleRange(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.shared.util.Arithmetic
Creates a [m, n) range of doubles with step increment k.
doubleRange(int, int) - Static method in class org.shared.util.Arithmetic
Creates a [m, n) range of doubles.
doubleRange(int) - Static method in class org.shared.util.Arithmetic
Creates a [0, n) range of doubles.
doublesToBase64(double[], ByteOrder) - Static method in class org.shared.codec.Codecs
Converts the given double array into a base 64 string.
doublesToBase64(double[]) - Static method in class org.shared.codec.Codecs
Converts the given double array into a base 64 string.
doubleValue() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractComplexArray.Complex
Gets the double value.
doWrite() - Method in class org.shared.net.nio.NioConnection
NioManagerThread call -- Does a ready write.
dProd(int...) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Takes the product along the given dimensions.
dSum(int...) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Takes the sum along the given dimensions.
dummyFuture - Static variable in class org.shared.net.handler.AbstractFilteredHandler
A trivial Future that returns immediately with null.
DynamicArray<T extends DynamicArray<T,V,E>,V,E> - Interface in org.shared.util
Defines an array that can grow and shrink dynamically.
DynamicArrayTest - Class in org.shared.test.util
A class of unit tests for DynamicArray.
DynamicArrayTest() - Constructor for class org.shared.test.util.DynamicArrayTest
Default constructor.
DynamicDoubleArray - Class in org.shared.util
An implementation of DynamicArray for doubles.
DynamicDoubleArray() - Constructor for class org.shared.util.DynamicDoubleArray
Default constructor.
DynamicDoubleArray(int) - Constructor for class org.shared.util.DynamicDoubleArray
Alternate constructor.
DynamicDoubleArray(double[], int) - Constructor for class org.shared.util.DynamicDoubleArray
Alternate constructor.
DynamicIntArray - Class in org.shared.util
An implementation of DynamicArray for ints.
DynamicIntArray() - Constructor for class org.shared.util.DynamicIntArray
Default constructor.
DynamicIntArray(int) - Constructor for class org.shared.util.DynamicIntArray
Alternate constructor.
DynamicIntArray(int[], int) - Constructor for class org.shared.util.DynamicIntArray
Alternate constructor.
DynamicLongArray - Class in org.shared.util
An implementation of DynamicArray for longs.
DynamicLongArray() - Constructor for class org.shared.util.DynamicLongArray
Default constructor.
DynamicLongArray(int) - Constructor for class org.shared.util.DynamicLongArray
Alternate constructor.
DynamicLongArray(long[], int) - Constructor for class org.shared.util.DynamicLongArray
Alternate constructor.
DynamicObjectArray<T> - Class in org.shared.util
An implementation of DynamicArray for objects.
DynamicObjectArray(Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.shared.util.DynamicObjectArray
Default constructor.
DynamicObjectArray(Class<T>, int) - Constructor for class org.shared.util.DynamicObjectArray
Alternate constructor.
DynamicObjectArray(T[], int) - Constructor for class org.shared.util.DynamicObjectArray
Alternate constructor.