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FAR - Static variable in interface org.shared.array.Array.IndexingOrder
An ordering where high indices vary most.
fft() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractArray
Computes the full FFT of this array.
fft() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractComplexArray
fft(int, int[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.shared.fft.FftOps
An FFT operation in support of JavaFftService.fft(int[], double[], double[]).
fft(double[], int, double[], int, double[], int[], int, double[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.shared.fft.FftOps
The main mixed-radix FFT procedure.
fft(double[], int, double[], int, int, double[], int, int) - Static method in class org.shared.fft.FftOps
A recursive FFT subroutine for a specific radix.
fft(int[], double[], double[]) - Method in interface org.shared.fft.FftService
Computes a forward transform.
fft(int[], double[], double[]) - Method in class org.shared.fft.JavaFftService
fft(int[], double[], double[]) - Method in class org.shared.fft.ModalFftService
fft(int[], double[], double[]) - Method in class org.sharedx.fftw.FftwService
FftCache<C extends AbstractArray<C,C,R,?>,R extends AbstractArray<R,C,R,?>> - Class in org.shared.fft
A class for thread-safe caching of padded and FFT'd convolution kernels.
FftCache() - Constructor for class org.shared.fft.FftCache
Default constructor.
FftCache.CacheKey - Class in org.shared.fft
A lookup key class for cached kernels.
FftCache.CacheKey(AbstractArray<?, C, ?, ?>, int[]) - Constructor for class org.shared.fft.FftCache.CacheKey
Default constructor.
FftOps - Class in org.shared.fft
A class of mixed-radix FFT operations in support of JavaFftService.
fftService - Static variable in class org.shared.array.ArrayBase
A global service providing access to FFT operations.
FftService - Interface in org.shared.fft
Defines a Service for FFT operations.
fftShift() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractComplexArray
Shifts the entries of this array to the zero frequency component.
fftShift(int) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractComplexArray
Depending on the direction, performs an AbstractComplexArray.fftShift() or AbstractComplexArray.ifftShift() of this array.
FFTW_ESTIMATE - Static variable in class org.sharedx.fftw.Plan
FFTW execution flag.
FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE - Static variable in class org.sharedx.fftw.Plan
FFTW execution flag.
FFTW_MEASURE - Static variable in class org.sharedx.fftw.Plan
FFTW execution flag.
FFTW_PATIENT - Static variable in class org.sharedx.fftw.Plan
FFTW execution flag.
FftwService - Class in org.sharedx.fftw
An FFTW3-backed service provider ascribing to FftService.
FftwService() - Constructor for class org.sharedx.fftw.FftwService
Default constructor.
fieldPrecision - Static variable in class org.shared.array.ArrayBase
The field precision to use when printing.
fieldWidth - Static variable in class org.shared.array.ArrayBase
The field width to use when printing.
FileSystemRegistry - Class in org.shared.metaclass
An implementation of ResourceRegistry that consults the file system for resources.
FileSystemRegistry(File) - Constructor for class org.shared.metaclass.FileSystemRegistry
Default constructor.
Filter<I,O> - Interface in org.shared.net.filter
Defines a networking I/O filter.
FilteredHandler<H extends FilteredHandler<H,C,T>,C extends Connection,T> - Interface in org.shared.net.handler
Defines a ConnectionHandler that uses Filters to process inbound and outbound data.
FilterFactory<F extends Filter<I,O>,I,O,H extends ConnectionHandler<?>> - Interface in org.shared.net.filter
Defines a factory for creating Filters.
Filters - Class in org.shared.image.filter
A static utility class in support of two-dimensional filters.
Filters - Class in org.shared.net.filter
A static utility class in support of filtering.
find(int...) - Method in class org.shared.array.IntegerArray
Assumes that this array results from an indexing operation.
find(int[], int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class org.shared.array.jni.NativeArrayKernel
find(int[], int[], int[], int[]) - Method in interface org.shared.array.kernel.ArrayKernel
Extracts the valid indices along a dimension anchored at the given logical index.
find(int[], int[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class org.shared.array.kernel.IndexOps
find(int[], int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class org.shared.array.kernel.JavaArrayKernel
find(int[], int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class org.shared.array.kernel.ModalArrayKernel
findClass(String) - Method in class org.shared.metaclass.RegistryClassLoader
Attempts to derive a class from the registry delegation chain.
findResource(String) - Method in class org.shared.metaclass.RegistryClassLoader
findResources(String) - Method in class org.shared.metaclass.RegistryClassLoader
FLAG_BOUND - Static variable in class org.shared.net.handler.SynchronousHandler
A bit flag indicating that the associated connection has been bound.
FLAG_BOUND - Static variable in class org.shared.net.nio.NioConnection
A bit flag indicating that the connection has been bound.
FLAG_CLOSED - Static variable in class org.shared.net.handler.SynchronousHandler
A bit flag indicating that the associated connection has been closed.
FLAG_CLOSED - Static variable in class org.shared.net.nio.NioConnection
A bit flag indicating that the connection has been closed.
floatValue() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractComplexArray.Complex
Gets the float value.
font - package font
The location, by convention, of fonts.
format(int, int) - Static method in class org.shared.array.ArrayBase
Sets the formatting parameters ArrayBase.fieldWidth and ArrayBase.fieldPrecision.
format(Formatter, String) - Method in class org.shared.metaclass.RegistryClassLoader.PrefixNode
Gets a string representation of this node's descendants.
formatEmptyArray(Formatter, int[]) - Static method in class org.shared.array.ArrayBase
Formats an empty array message.
formatRescale(Formatter, int, double[]) - Static method in class org.shared.array.ArrayBase
Formats a potential rescale message if the given exponent is too large or too small.
formatSlice(Formatter, String, Object, int[], int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.shared.array.ArrayBase
Formats a two-dimensional slice of an array for display.
formatSparseArray(Formatter, String, String, Object, int[], int[]) - Static method in class org.shared.array.ArrayBase
Formats a sparse array for display.
FORWARD - Static variable in class org.sharedx.fftw.Plan
Complex-to-complex forward (FFT).
FrameFilterFactory - Class in org.shared.net.filter
An implementation of FilterFactory for null-delimited byte frames.
FrameFilterFactory(int, int) - Constructor for class org.shared.net.filter.FrameFilterFactory
Default constructor.
FrameFilterFactory(int) - Constructor for class org.shared.net.filter.FrameFilterFactory
Alternate constructor.
FrameFilterFactory() - Constructor for class org.shared.net.filter.FrameFilterFactory
Alternate constructor.
fsm - Variable in class org.shared.net.nio.NioManagerThread
The external state machine.
fsmInternal - Variable in class org.shared.net.nio.NioManagerThread
The internal state machine.
fullToReduced(ComplexArray) - Method in class org.shared.fft.JavaFftService
Derives a reduced, half-complex ComplexArray from a full ComplexArray.