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uAbs() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Mutatively takes the absolute value of the elements.
uAdd(double, double) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractComplexArray
Mutatively adds the argument to the elements.
uAdd(double) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Mutatively adds the argument to the elements.
uAdd(int) - Method in class org.shared.array.IntegerArray
Mutatively adds the argument to the elements.
uAtan() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Mutatively takes the arctangent of the elements.
uConj() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractComplexArray
Mutatively takes the complex conjugates of the elements.
uCos() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractComplexArray
Mutatively takes the cosine of the elements.
uCos() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Mutatively takes the cosine of the elements.
uExp() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractComplexArray
Mutatively exponentiates the elements to the base Math.E.
uExp() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Mutatively exponentiates the elements to the base Math.E.
uFill(double, double) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractComplexArray
Mutatively fills this array with the argument.
uFill(double) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Mutatively fills this array with the argument.
uFill(int) - Method in class org.shared.array.IntegerArray
Mutatively fills this array with the argument.
uInv(double) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Mutatively takes the multiplicative inverse of the elements.
uLog() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Mutatively takes the natural logarithm of the elements.
uMul(double, double) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractComplexArray
Mutatively multiplies the elements by the argument.
uMul(double) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Mutatively multiplies the elements by the argument.
uMul(int) - Method in class org.shared.array.IntegerArray
Mutatively multiplies the elements by the argument.
unbox(Double[]) - Static method in class org.shared.util.Arrays
Unboxes the given array of Doubles.
unbox(Integer[]) - Static method in class org.shared.util.Arrays
Unboxes the given array of Integers.
uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class org.shared.parallel.Engine.ThrowableReferenceHandler
Sets this reference.
unmodifiableIterator(Iterator<T>) - Static method in class org.shared.util.Control
Creates an unmodifiable Iterator from a possibly modifiable one.
update(GmComponents, RealArray, RealArray, double) - Method in class org.shared.stat.ml.AbstractGmModel
Performs the update rule.
update(GmComponents, RealArray, RealArray, double) - Method in class org.shared.stat.ml.GmModel
uPow(double) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Mutatively takes the elements to the power of the argument.
uRnd(double, double) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractComplexArray
Mutatively randomizes the elements.
uRnd(double) - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Mutatively randomizes the elements.
useJava() - Method in class org.shared.array.kernel.ModalArrayKernel
Uses the underlying JavaArrayKernel.
useJava() - Method in class org.shared.fft.ModalFftService
useJava() - Method in class org.shared.image.kernel.ModalImageKernel
Uses the underlying JavaImageKernel.
useMatlabIo() - Method in class org.shared.array.kernel.ModalArrayIoKernel
Attempts to use the underlying MatlabIoKernel.
useRegisteredKernel() - Method in class org.shared.array.kernel.ModalArrayKernel
Attempts to use the ArrayKernel obtained from Services.createService(Class).
useRegisteredKernel() - Method in class org.shared.image.kernel.ModalImageKernel
Attempts to use the ImageKernel obtained from Services.createService(Class).
useRegisteredService() - Method in class org.shared.fft.ModalFftService
Attempts to use the FftService obtained from Services.createService(Class).
uShuffle() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractComplexArray
Mutatively shuffles this array.
uShuffle() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Mutatively shuffles this array.
uShuffle() - Method in class org.shared.array.IntegerArray
Mutatively shuffles this array.
uSin() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractComplexArray
Mutatively takes the sine of the elements.
uSin() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Mutatively takes the sine of the elements.
uSqr() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Mutatively squares the elements.
uSqrt() - Method in class org.shared.array.AbstractRealArray
Mutatively takes the square root of the elements.